The AAA (Antiochian Arabic Academy) is a language school for all ages that runs at the St Paul’s Community Centre, located in Dandenong.
Classes are split according to age brackets, and are taught by native Arabic speakers.
Class intakes are at the end of each year, and immediately prior to mid-year, with classes beginning in January and July. Students are tasked with showing their language skills at the end of each year with a presentation.
Children’s classes are run on Sunday mornings in the community hall, and adult classes are run on evenings mid week.
Adult Student or Parent/Carer Details
Please fill out one form per person being enrolled.
If enrolling your children, please complete the details per child being enrolled.
Continue for allergy/medical declarations.
The Antiochian Arabic Academy covers staffing, books, stationary and resources for all students.
The fees (per term) for students are as follows:
One Adult (18+) - $200
One Child - $150
Second Child - $120
Third Child - $105
Please contact our coordinator if you need to discuss payment options.
For any queries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Antiochian Arabic Academy coordinator, Mrs Vicky Harrack on 0412 459 302.